Allister MacKenzie

“A golf course should be made interesting and a good test of golf by the tilt of the greens and the character of the undulations.”

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Filter Test at SVWTP

Our plan to receive secondary waste water from Scotts Valley Water treatment plan includes the use of a filter at Pasatiempo.  The filter will treat the existing secondary water flowing down Graham Hill Road to tertiary water.  Tertiary water is already approved in California for use on golf courses.

Our engineers advised renting the proposed filter and testing it at the treatment plant prior to construction of our onsite water facility.  Last week several Pasatiempo maintenance workers under the direction of our assistant, Greg Ilacqua, successfully connected the filter to the treatment plant.

The test will take place over the next 30 days.  During the test we will evaluate the amount of water, quality, maintenance, noise and smell of the filter operation.  This data will be submitted as part of our Title 22 report to the Division of Drinking water and Regional Water Control Board.  The data will also be used to determine the exact size of the filter needed, annual operational costs and design features around the filter area.

Greg Ilacqua and Staff 

Sami Kadar Water Works Engineer


The area below #12 tee was hydroseeded this week.  The seed blend is consistent with species currently in our native areas.  If the current weather pattern continues we should expect some germination within the next 30 days.  Additional erosion control measures will be installed across the hillside.

Once we complete the area below #12 tee we will continue to hydroseed other native areas around the golf course with poor turf coverage.  Please avoid these areas during your round.  The native grasses are extremely susceptible to injury due to the low seeding rates and slow germination.